Do You Need A Hand?

This week I winterized my garden. I picked the last of the tomatoes, snipped the remaining parsley leaves, and tucked the plot away under a bed of leaves. Overall, I’d say this year’s garden was a very successful endeavor.

For months, I enjoyed fresh lettuce, tomatoes, radishes and herbs. Cucumbers did not fare so well, but that’s ok. There’s always next year. My mind is already percolating on what to plant and how I will re-arrange the space.

I have to say, I put off this task for weeks, partly due to a full schedule and partly because I just didn’t want to do it. As much as I love my garden, it’s not in my backyard and sometimes I find it cumbersome to drive across town. I also struggle with the combination lock on the gate to the property, another deterrent.

It’s human nature to want to run away from the things we don’t enjoy or find difficult. This is why our closets remain cluttered or that pile of paperwork rivals Mount Everest. Yet there’s always a great reward when we tackle the tough stuff.

We live in a culture where so many things are ridiculously easy. I mean, with a few commands to Siri, nearly anything can be in our hands in minutes, sometimes seconds!

  • Can’t remember the name of the actor in your favorite movie? Google to the rescue!
  • Didn’t have time to go to the grocery store? Instacart to the rescue!
  • In the mood for Taco Tuesday on a Friday night? UberEATS to the rescue!

While these conveniences are…convenient, sometimes we do need to put in some effort if we want to accomplish the big goals. We won’t fulfill God’s plan eating bon bons on our couches (or asking Siri!).

Sometimes we have to face our fears or overcome our desire to procrastinate if we want to do great things. I’m thinking about our pal Jonah in the Bible. God told him to go to Nineveh and preach a message and what did he do? He hopped on a boat headed in the complete opposite direction!

This act landed him in the belly of a fish for a few days, where he had some time to rethink his decision. Ultimately, God saved him, and Jonah did what God asked him to do. Yet had he done it the first time, he might not have had to pick seaweed out of his hair.

But hey – no judgement! We’ve all been there.

Here’s what I’m learning:

There may be times God asks us to do something we don’t want to do or are scared to do.
God will never ask us to do something we are not equipped to do. He will never send us on a “mission” by ourselves. The Bible tells us a b-zillion times that our Father in heaven will never leave us or forsake us. (Hebrews 13:5)

And, isn’t it always easier (and more fun!) to do big tasks with someone else? Two heads are better than one. Many hands make light work. God knows this, which is why He’s always there to help us.

As I drove to my garden, I asked God to clear the way. He did. I asked Him to have the gate open. It was. I asked for this chore to go quickly. It did. And now, I have a harvest of tomatoes to enjoy as I hunker down for winter.

This week, I’d like to encourage you to invite God into those areas you’ve been avoiding or are afraid to do. Ask Him for His help.

Remember…“You have not, because you ask not.” (James 4:3) So… ask!

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