Is It Time To Let Go?

There has been a fair amount of letting go in my family this past week. My daughter sold her car and is now enjoying her new ride. My son and I switched car insurance providers and have reduced our premiums by half. 

Because of the multiple issues with my daughter’s previous car, she felt unsafe. She was never sure when something was going to break, leaving her either stranded or draining her savings account to repair it.

My son, who is always looking for ways to make or save money, spent a fair amount of time researching alternatives and is now enjoying the same coverage for less. Even though I wasn’t expecting to save much due to the age of my car, I too am now enjoying the savings.

Each of these transitions required two things: letting go of something that no longer served us (the old) and doing a bit of work to receive the new. While the “work” was essentially a few phone calls and online research, it still required some action on our part.

As I think about the many people in the Bible who experienced transitions, every one of them had to let go of something to get to the next great thing, the gift that God had waiting for them.

The Israelites had to let go of their “slave mentality” to receive the blessings of the Promised Land.
Abraham had to let go of his friends and family as God told him to go to a new land.

Peter had to let go of his former life as a fisherman to embrace his new calling as a follower of Jesus.
Paul had to let go of his legalistic way of thinking and follow the Spirit of God to do mighty works, including writing most of the New Testament.

It can be challenging to let go of things we’ve become used to, that we are comfortable with, or that are predictable. As I said in a prior blog post, as humans, we crave comfortable until we’re uncomfortable. We like what we like until we don’t like it anymore.

I have experienced a number of transitions throughout my life. Divorce. Layoffs. Deaths. Some were expected, some not.

Here’s what I’m learning:

  • Whether we like them or not, transitions are a part of life.
  • We can fight them or go with the flow.
  • They have a beginning, a middle, and an end.

As a believer, I know that God is with me at every stage. He promises to never leave me or forsake me (Deuteronomy 31:8). In fact, during one of the biggest transitions of my life, my divorce, a crystal clear vision of Jesus appeared to me with Him saying “I will always take care of you.”

And He has (1 Peter 5:6-7).

This week I want to encourage you that if you’re going through a transition, take a moment to be still (Psalm 46:10). Listen for God’s voice and direction (Jeremiah 33:3). Know that He is there to guide you through to the end (Matthew 28:20).

While there may be things you will need to let go of in the process, don’t let go of God.

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