I have been playing a game called “Word Cookies” for about five or six years. My daughter’s friend introduced it to me and suffice it to say, I’ve been hooked since day one. I justify this “addiction” with science that says doing word puzzles keeps your brain healthy.
If you ever get stuck on a puzzle, you can use hints to fill in the letters. Recently, I had a streak of tough puzzles and tapped into the hints a bit more than I normally do. Having used hundreds of my cookies, I saw my score take a nosedive.
Thankfully, I have rebounded and as you can see my stellar player status has been restored.
Restoration is a key theme of the Bible. Nearly every story you read, there is a major turnaround in someone’s life.
- Job went from complete devastation of all he owned to being one of the richest men of his time.
- Paul went from persecuting Christians to being mightily used by God.
- Peter went from denying Jesus to being one of the greatest apostles.
It’s Peter who I want to focus on today.
Just prior to His crucifixion, Jesus was sharing with His disciples what was to come to pass. He noted that one of them would betray Him, to which our pal Peter emphatically said “Not me! No way!”
And of course, Jesus knowing all things told Peter that before the cock crowed three times, Peter would in fact deny Him. And… he did, three times, actually. This devastated Peter. He was completely guilt ridden, full of remorse. In fact, he wasn’t even present when Jesus died. Talk about someone needing restoration!
Here’s the good news. A few days later when Jesus rose from the dead, He sought out Peter and the relationship was restored with this simple question: “Do you love Me?” Jesus asked this question three times of Peter to “negate” the recent triple denial.
“And above all things have fervent love for one another, for “love will cover a multitude of sins.”” (1 Peter 4:8 NKJV)
This time, Peter responded in the affirmative and all was well again.
Peter went on to do amazing things – healing people, preaching the Gospel, starting churches. It’s amazing what complete restoration can do. What made it all possible?
Love. It was love. Love heals all wounds. Love restores everything.
Here’s what I’m learning:
No matter how much I mess up, God’s love is always available. It’s unconditional. Unlike my “lost cookies,” I don’t have to work to earn back His love. It’s a free gift that anyone can enjoy.
If you are in need of restoration, know that God is waiting for you with open arms. He promises to never leave you or forsake you. He promises that He has a great plan for your life. He is faithful to all of His promises.
This week I want to encourage you to read the story of Peter’s restoration. (Click here.) As you read it, know that Peter’s restoration wasn’t a one time deal. Peter wasn’t a special case. God’s restoration is for everyone, anytime, anywhere.