Have You Lost Power?

You may not know this from my photos, but I have very curly, frizzy hair. Since I’m not a fan of this look, I blow dry it smooth. A few years back, a dear friend gifted me a hair drying brush that miraculously makes this arduous task doable.

I’m so reliant on this device that I purchased a new one when my kids and I travelled to the Bahamas for my niece’s wedding this summer. There was no way I was going to risk having my old one not work. Since I now had two, I gifted “old yeller” to my daughter.

A couple of weeks ago, as I was getting ready for church and drying my hair, the dryer stopped working. I turned it off and on a few times. I hit the reset button on the outlet. I tried another plug. Nothing. It was as quiet as a church mouse. Powerless.

As I looked in the mirror at my half smooth, half dry hair, panic set in. How can I go to church looking like this? This was way more than a bad hair day! I was faced with a decision.

Should I stay or should I go?

Suddenly I remembered that I had a huge hairclip. I grabbed it and did my best to turn my hot mess of hair into an “up-do.” Since I am not a hair stylist, it was still a bit of a hot mess.

You might be thinking (as I was) – “Geez Jen. Why didn’t you just stay home? You could attend church online.” This is true. I could have. Yet I play a small role in the service, and I didn’t want to cancel at the last minute.  And seriously, what would I have given as the reason? “Sorry, I can’t come to church today because my hair is a mess?” LOL!

“Vanity of vanities, all is vanity.” (Ecclesiastes 1:2 NKJV)

Since no one at church had ever seen me with my hair up, I was a bit nervous. Vanity. Yeah… I struggle with this one. I always try to look my best and so this hair debacle was really messing with my ego.

Memories of the self-conscious pre-teen with glasses and braces came to mind. As doubt and insecurity filled my mind, I was reminded of an important and powerful truth in John 10:10.

There’s nothing more that the devil would like to do than lie to us and steal our joy. That’s exactly what was happening with the silly thoughts I was having. Did I really think that people  would make fun of me? Really?

I may not have been able to trust in the power of my hair dryer that morning, but I trusted in the power of love. God’s love.

He cared about me so much that He brought that big clip to my remembrance so my hair wasn’t a total train wreck. He even brought the John 10:10 scripture to my mind so I could see that these silly thoughts I was having were a lie of the enemy to keep me from going to church, seeing the people I care about, and being blessed by the message.

So…take that devil! 

As you might imagine, I let no time pass before I purchased a new dryer. Turns out, the old one was defective, and Amazon has since discontinued it. It has now been rendered powerless to wreak havoc on anyone else’s locks.

The power of love. It never fails (1 Corinthians 13:8). That’s God’s promise to us. 

If you’re feeling powerless, scared, or hopeless over life’s circumstances, please remember this – 

People will fail you. Blow dryers will fail you. But God will never fail you because God is love and love never fails.

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