How Well Do You Know God?

I have had the privilege of writing a weekly blog for more than a decade. If you are one of my initial subscribers, you have received an email from me every Sunday morning for over fifteen years! 

Each week I share a bit about my life, so you have come to know a lot about me. Yet unless we have met in person, you don’t necessarily know me. The only way we can get to know who people are and to build trust in them is to spend quality time together, connecting on a heart-to-heart level, and seeing how they interact with us in good times and in bad.

Qualities like consistency, authenticity, generosity, compassion, empathy, and love are very important if we are seeking a deep and personal relationship with someone.

The same holds true for our Father in heaven. To build a deep and personal relationship with God requires spending quality time with Him. Yes, we can read about Him in the Bible, we can learn about His character and His promises, but wouldn’t it be even better to know Him and experience Him for ourselves?

I love to read the Bible. I do! Every time I read it; I learn something new. But…if that’s all I do – just read about God – and never talk with Him or listen to what He has to say to me, do we truly have a relationship?

The whole reason Jesus came was so that we could have a relationship with God the Father just like He does. You see, I don’t want to just be acquainted with God and know about Him, I want to really know Him and have tangible experiences with Him every day.

So, how do we do this? How do we build this connection, this experience with God when we cannot see or touch Him? Well, it’s quite simple. Jesus’ brother James tells us:

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.” (James 1:17 NKJV)

Every good thing we have, every one of them came from God. God is love. God is good. God loves to bless His kids as any good father would. So, anywhere we see love and goodness, there’s God! If we have good things in our lives, we can know they came from God.

It doesn’t have to be this big miraculous thing; it can be something small. Did you catch the word “every” in the verse above? Every means every – big, medium, and small.

That smooth commute to work? That’s God. That co-worker who brought you a cup of coffee? That’s God. That amazing weather you had on vacation? That’s God.

Here’s what I’m learning:

When we acknowledge God in the little things, it connects us to Him in that moment. And the more we acknowledge all the good in our lives, the more we are connected to God. He becomes even more real to us because we can see the evidence of His love.

Isn’t that what happens in our earthly relationships? The more experiences we have with the people around us, the more the relationship grows. God doesn’t want you to just know about Him. He wants you really know Him.

This week, I’d like to encourage you to look for God everywhere. Take one minute and say, “Thank you God!” when something good happens. This is God showing you how much He loves you and how much He wants to connect with you.

Get to know God and watch how your life will be transformed.

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Jennifer Covello, Copyright 2011-2025