Where Do You Want To Park?

I don’t know about you, but when I see what appears to be a perfectly abled person parking in a handicap spot, I get a little miffed. When I looked up the origin of the word “handicap,” I was quite surprised at its various meanings. 

In the days of kings and queens, the word described disabled veterans who were given permission by the king to beg in the streets. Fast forward a few hundred years and now you see many sports whose players have handicaps to establish fairness. Today,  we use the more polite term – differently abled.

Why am I spending so much time describing a term that’s not likely part of your vernacular? We may not specifically use this term to describe ourselves but here’s what we do say:

“I have no self-control.”
“I’m not smart enough to do that.”
“I can’t do this.”

It’s likely that you’ve said one or all of these. And if not, it’s likely you heard someone utter these negative phrases. Why do we do this? Why do we say things about ourselves that are just not true? Can you imagine your best friend telling you that you aren’t smart or capable?

No – you cannot. Why? Well – one reason may be that they love you and don’t want to hurt you. But the other reason may be …now are you ready? They wouldn’t say it because…it just isn’t true.

Recently I was talking with a good friend. As I began to describe myself in not so flattering terms, she interrupted me and said, “You can do this! You’re more than ready!”

As she made her case, I found myself slowly pulling out of the handicap spot. I began to realize that maybe she was right. The truth really does make you free (John 8:31-32).

In the book of Ephesians, the apostle Paul was writing to the people of Ephesus to encourage them in their faith. In the most loving words imaginable, he tells these folks how much they are loved and how special they are to God.

I have to wonder, if we were told this regularly, that is, if we were told (and believed!) how much we are loved by God, how special we are to Him, we would be speeding out of our self-imposed handicap spots.

I want to encourage you this week to cast aside the lies you’ve been told. Find out what God says about you. Find out what He says, because it’s the truth. You were created for greatness. You are loved. You are special.

God created you (Genesis 1:27). He has a purpose and a great plan for your life. (Jeremiah 29:11). 

Get a hold of these truths and you’ll never park in the handicap spot again.

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