How Well Do You Know Me?

I have been writing a blog in some way, shape, or form since 2010. Each week, I have shared the experiences of my children, my businesses, and since 2017, my faith walk.

These weekly “snippets” have given you insights into my life and the posts have given you information ABOUT me. However, since I’ve not met many of my followers, we have no shared experiences. So one could say that you don’t actually know me.

There is difference between knowing about someone and really knowing them.

Over the years, I’ve shared many facts about my Dad. You likely know that he was an accomplished musician playing with the Count Basie Orchestra and others. He was also a music teacher in Long Island, sharing his gifts with future generations. In his later years, he became a fine cook and my children and I enjoyed many tasty steaks on the barbie!

As I spent more time with my father in my adult years, I began to know him more – his WHO instead of, or in addition to, his DO. He became not just a list of accomplishments to me, but a living, breathing person who was funny, loved his family, and who always got emotional when saying grace over a holiday meal.

There were hours of card games in which we witnessed his shrewd abilities. We also shared many conversations, in which I learned about his earlier life as well as him sharing words of wisdom as my kids and I embarked on new adventures.

However, the most memorable experiences I have were when we would get ready to return home to Connecticut after a visit. As we prepared to leave, he’d tell me to call him when I got home, and he’d also express how happy he was to see us. We left with a big hug and yes, a tear or two.

As we headed out the door, he would stand on the front porch and wave goodbye to us. He stayed there until we were down the road, out of sight. That small gesture is the one that still melts my heart to this day.

On Father’s Day I’m reminded of all of the shared experiences I had with my Dad. I miss him terribly but I am grateful for the time we spent together. For it was in those times that I truly felt my father’s love.

Likewise, with my heavenly Father, it is the time we spend together where I hear His voice that mean the most. There’s a big difference between knowing about God and knowing Him personally.

Praying God’s blessings on all fathers and father figures today.

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