This week, my computer crashed. One minute I was scheduling a meeting and the next…dead in the water. While I’m not certain of the cause, what I am certain of is that I do not want a repeat performance any time soon.
I have an IT background so even though I was taken aback at first, I performed the normal troubleshooting tactics. Sadly, they did not work.
Earlier that morning, I was reading about Solomon and how when asked by God for anything he wanted, Solomon (wisely) asked for wisdom. So, I prayed for wisdom to fix my computer. I tried this. I tried that. Crickets.
After many failed attempts and a few tears, I packed up my laptop and headed to Staples. They were unable to help but provided two recommendations. One I knew right off was not reputable and so I contacted the other.
Within a couple of hours, the expert was at my home diagnosing the issue and a few hours later, my computer was working. The next day in my quiet time with the Lord, I asked Him:
“Why didn’t you tell me how to fix my computer? I lost a whole day and I’m out hundreds of dollars.”
His (gentle) response:
“Is your computer fixed?” (To which I had to respond “Yes.”) To which God then said, “My ways are not your ways. My timing is not your timing. I will make up the money you spent. Don’t worry.”
Well, then…truly Father knows best.
I pondered these “wise” words and realized that God may not answer our prayers exactly the way we want Him to, yet He always answers and… it’s always something better than we could’ve asked for.
“Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” (Ephesians 3:20-21 NKJV)
Yes, I spent a lot of money to fix my laptop. However, because I had an expert do it, he did a few things that optimized its performance. He shared his wisdom on what I needed to do/not do. He set up my printer and made sure every single program I used worked properly before he left.
In short, he did ‘exceedingly, abundantly above’ anything I could do.
As the dust settles on my computer chaos, I am now able to see God’s hand. And I realize what an amazing Father I have who cares about me so much that he’d send an angel disguised as a computer repairman to show me.
This week, I want to encourage you to add a few words to all your prayers: “Your will be done.” God’s will, His ways, and His timing are always better than ours. Always.
Let Him have His way in all areas of your life and just see what He’ll do for you.