Who Are You?

caregiverOne of the guiding principles of Parenting for Purpose is the idea that the better you know yourself, the better parent you will be. For example, if you know that you are an impatient person or  someone who has a quick temper, you can work on these challenges either prior to having a child or hopefully early in your child’s life so that they will not impact your parenting journey negatively.

In the quest to uncover my own hidden layers, I read alot books on the subject and watch programs that provide different perspectives. I enjoy Oprah’s Lifeclass and listening to other people’s journeys towards their own enlightenment.

One of my more recent insights occurred when watching Caroline Myss, New York Times bestselling author, on Oprah. Her latest book is called, Archetypes. I found it fascinating to see which archetypes resonated the most with me. I decided to take the online quiz to see my results. Turns out, I am one third Caregiver (the highest ranking), one third Spiritual (second), and one third Intellectual (last).

This is of no surprise to me really and to people who know me. I love to take care of other people (especially babies!), I have an intuitive side (that I sadly ignore sometimes), and I love to learn new things. The book states that we all have pieces of each archetype in us, but there may be one or two that will stand out. This is absolutely true.

While I had absolutely no connection to the archetypes of “Fashionista” (that’s my good friend Scarlett DeBease) or “Athlete” (that’s another friend Kristen Rsaza), I do like to look nice and do my best to stay healthy. That’s where those archetypes end for me.

I encourage you to visit archetypeme.com and see which archetype best describes you. You may learn a thing or two about yourself.

Jen’s Gem: When you know who you are, you live by truth.


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