As One Door Closes, Another Opens

Frittabello baby gifts“Look at all of this! I’m really proud of you, Mommy.”  These were the words my daughter said to me when she assisted in setting up my Frittabello vendor table at an event. As she thoughtfully and carefully placed each of my baby gift products in what she felt was the perfect display, she stood back and uttered those words that touched my heart.

As I stood in the middle of this large room with many other vendors, I realized that yes, I had accomplished a lot. From the inception of the idea to create a baby journal that would touch the lives of so many people, to all of the activities that promoted my business, I never once thought that the journey would one day come to an end.

Soon, my Frittabello business will close. As I write this, I am completing the many tasks needed to close the door on this part of my life’s journey. While I am sad that my original vision of becoming the latest and greatest baby gift retailer did not come to fruition, so much else did.

I could choose to focus on what didn’t happen, but instead I am choosing to focus on what did.

  • Bringing a germ of an idea to a full-fledged brand
  • Expanding a product line beyond my baby journal
  • Winning a publishing award as a self-published author
  • Exhibiting at various events and expos
  • Being interviewed on radio and TV shows and speaking of my mompreneur journey
  • Winning a product excellence award and a small business award
  • Launching a baby expo
  • Gaining a respectable social media following
  • Being a guest blogger and contributing author for both online and print publications
  • Teaching baby journaling, parenting, and small business marketing workshops
  • And so much more…

I accomplished more in four short years than in any other time of my life. I wouldn’t trade any of these experiences.

My children who helped me with various details of my business from helping pack up orders to loading my car with products to sell at events, to organizing handouts for workshops, got to experience their mother in a whole new way. They saw me differently. They saw that I could create a product, promote it, sell it, and be rewarded for it.

My Life baby journal

Now that I am working full time again, we’ve all gone through a series of adjustments. But I know that like me, they will look back at these past years and be just as grateful for them as I am. They got to see their mother as a successful small business owner and I got to share pieces of their lives that I will treasure forever.

Yes there were struggles in my mompreneur journey, but there are always struggles, no matter what. My children saw me work through those just as they see me work through the new challenges of working full time. We will benefit from the lessons of both journeys.

Life is full of challenges, struggles, joys, and successes. We can choose how we want to handle each. Do we embrace each one or do we shy away? Either way, our children are watching. If we choose to experience each for the lesson it holds, then our children will as well. If we fight and claw and scratch our way through, then our children will see that too

You have the choice on how to live your life.  The real decision is – what do you want your child to see?

Jen’s Gem: Life is like a book. Learn a lesson from each chapter.

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Jennifer Covello, Copyright 2011-2025