From LLC to Mom Incorporated

Purposeful Parent Tip: Opportunity Awaits You Behind Every Door if You Are Willing to Open It

(Note: This is the fifth in a series of posts about the speakers scheduled for my upcoming Mom to Mompreneur Now! Tele-summit starting on October 9, 2012 at 1:00 pm EST.)

I clearly remember the day I received my shipment of my baby journal, My Life. Opening up that first box and seeing the product of my work for the first time was exhilarating. It sounds silly, but I thought, “My words are in print for others to see!” as if that somehow validated them.

It was a glorious day indeed. In fact, it was just about this time of year, October, 2008. The air was crisp and the sun was beaming as the delivery truck pulled up to my house. Little did I know that this moment would be the beginning of a journey that would lead me down paths I could not have imagined.

One of the paths I would cross would bring me and one of our Mom to Mompreneur Now! speakers, Aliza Sherman together. Aliza lives across the country in Alaska. What brought us together?

Aliza Sherman

An email.

How could an email bring two people together you might ask? As I’ve said in previous posts, one of the things I have done since becoming a mompreneur is to walk through every door that has been opened to me. This email was another open door.

Aliza was developing a book for mompreneurs and she wanted it to include not only the wisdom of her own experiences and that of her partner, Danielle Elliott Smith, but she also wanted to reflect the lessons learned of other moms who’ve started their own businesses.

I answered the call.

Not long after, my words were once again in print in her book, “Mom, Incorporated – A Guide to Business + Baby”. What lesson did I choose to share from my mompreneur experience? The need for a business plan.

Now, there are many mompreneurs who have no business plan and are doing quite well, thank you very much. For me, I needed to see how my baby gift business, Frittabello, LLC, was going to make money and where it would be in say one year or three years. What was my vision for this business and what were the activities that would help me achieve this vision? A business plan helped me crystalize this.

As a single mompreneur, my business supports my family and so having a plan on how it was going to do that was critical. For other mompreneurs, this may not be the case and they can simply fly by the seat of their pants and get the job done.

Aliza knows full well the challenges of being a mompreneur and her book shows you exactly how to do it with tips and advice designed especially for moms who want to follow their passions of being a parent and a small business owner.

Since writing this book, Aliza has gone on to many more adventures and we are so lucky to be able to hear from her on our upcoming tele-summit designed just for moms in business. With over 20 years of business experience to cull from, especially in the online world (Cybergrrl, Inc and Webgrrls International), Aliza is going to share how mompreneurs can take their dreams and turn them into a business that makes money, all while balancing the needs of their family.

Aliza’s latest venture is showing moms how to use Pinterest, the latest social media app, to grow their businesses. This is something I’m particularly interested as I’ve just dipped my toe in the Pinterest world. They say a picture is worth a thousand words and if I know Aliza, that picture will be worth a thousand dollars in no time flat!

If you are looking for new and creative ways to grow your business through Pinterest or other online channels, then tune in to the Mom to Mompreneur Now! Tele-summit series where Aliza Sherman and other experts, will show you how to turn your dream into a thriving business.

Go to and register today! The series begins on October 9, 2012 at 1:00 pm EST and continues every Tuesday and Thursday through October 30, 2012.

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