Partners and Friends

Purposeful Parent Tip: People come into our lives for a reason.

(Note: This is the sixth and final in a series of posts about the speakers scheduled for my upcoming Mom to Mompreneur Now! Tele-summit starting on October 9, 2012 at 1:00 pm.) 

It was almost two years ago that my Mom to Mompreneur Now! partner, Suzen Pettit, walked into my house for our first Mastermind meeting. She came prepared with her laptop and a dream. I was fascinated by her business, Omaginarium Online Marketing.  As a website/blog newbie, her knowledge of how I could get found on the Internet was
amazing to me.

With an undergraduate degree in Information Systems, I’m no stranger to all things
technology, but I have to admit (and have blogged about), some of these new-fangled apps confuse me. Search Engine Optimization, tags, keywords, oh my!  Can’t you just build a website and they will come?

“No,” says Suzen emphatically. And if you’re smart, you’ll listen to her.

Suzen Pettit

In that first meeting, I learned this valuable lesson and I also saw a fellow mompreneur who was passionate about helping small businesses grow by utilizing some simple  techniques she had diligently learned.

Since that first meeting, Suzen and I have become more than fellow Mastermind attendees. We have morphed into partners on a project that is near and dear to our hearts – helping other mompreneurs learn how to work smart, not hard, by giving them
access to information and expertise of women who’ve gone before them and successfully built and grown their businesses from a simple idea.

Suzen’s thirst for knowledge about all things online is unbelievable. She diligently follows people who have walked this walk and learns the tips and tricks to help people
make the most of their websites and blogs. Lord knows, these are likely some of the largest investments made by a small business.

After learning these secrets, Suzen implements them on her own blog and website. Because of this, she has increased her website rank, secured customers from around the country, and been asked to speak at a variety of events to share her knowledge.

As her partner on this inaugural tele-summit project, I sit back in awe at how much Suzen knows about these topics and while I will be interviewing her for this particular session, I will also be listening closely for things that I can do on my own website and

Over the past few months working on the Mom to Mompreneur Now! program, Suzen and I have shared turkey burgers and rice cakes with peanut butter, supported each other through each other’s latest child challenge, and have become keenly aware of each other’s strengths. It’s been a learning and growth experience for both of us.

I couldn’t be more thrilled to be partnering with Suzen on our ground-breaking program, but more importantly, I am so happy that her and I have come together to help serve the
very audience we know most about – single mompreneurs who have a passion for their business and their families.

Who would’ve guessed that our chance meeting nearly two years ago would net not only a terrific partnership, but a friendship that I will always treasure.

If your website or blog is not being found and you’re scratching your head over SEO and all things ‘techy’, you owe it to yourself to sign up for the Mom to Mompreneur Now! Tele-summit series where Suzen will help you “Get Found, Get Heard, Get Crackin’”!

Go to and register today! The series begins on October 9, 2012 at 1:00 pm EST and continues every Tuesday and Thursday through October 30, 2012.

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