Do You Have Short Term Memory Loss?

A question that is repeatedly asked by my kids lately is “Do you suffer from short term memory loss?” This is typically asked when I forget something they have just told me a nanosecond prior. We all get a giggle out of it until the next time it happens, which it inevitably does.

This rinse and repeat behavior got me thinking about our ancestors, the Israelites who “five minutes” after they experienced the whole Red Sea miracle, were whining and complaining that they had no food or water. 

When God provided them food and water, they then complained that they didn’t like it and were tired of this “heavenly food.” (Lord help us!)

When Moses went up on Mount Sinai to talk with God on behalf of the people, they complained about him being gone too long. Their impatience caused them to craft idols and worship them instead of God. (Spoiler: this didn’t turn out too well for some of them.)

Do you see a pattern here?

God gave abundantly and miraculously. The Israelites became ungrateful and complained. God gave again. Ungratefulness set in. God gave again. The complaint box was overflowing. 

Thank God that God is patient with His children. It’s so easy for us to forget His amazing grace. We’re so busy. We’re so distracted. We forget. However, the Bible clearly tells us that we must have an ‘attitude of gratitude.’ 

“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 NKJV).

We all want to be appreciated for the things we do for other people. A simple “thank you” goes a long way, doesn’t it? In fact, many of the articles I read about leadership say that the number one thing you can do to build engagement and retention in your team is to thank them. Show them that they are valued. It actually means more than money or other benefits.

You see the Israelites kept “forgetting” all that God had done for them. Because they didn’t maintain a grateful heart, and fell into complaining and whining, many of them missed out on God’s blessings. A whole generation never saw the Promised Land. Wow! 

Life is challenging, no doubt. And yes, there is a lot we could complain about. But does that profit us in any way? Nope!

When you complain, you remain.

However, when you give thanks, when you remember all that God has done for you, then the windows of heaven will open for you and God will pour out such a blessing, it’ll make your head spin.

You may be going through a difficult time right now and perhaps you are struggling to find things to be grateful for. I get it. However, the fastest way for you to get out of that challenge is to start thanking God – not for the trouble but that He will get you through it.

Still stuck? Here’s a few “Thank you’s” to get you started:

Thank you, Lord for waking me up today.
Thank you, Lord that I have a job.
Thank you, Lord that I have my health.
Thank you, Lord that my kids are safe and healthy.
Thank you Lord for your Son! (whopper one!)

I want to encourage you to begin a gratitude practice. Whether you do this via a journal or some other way, find something to be grateful for, then find something else, then keep going. I guarantee you that in a few minutes, you’ll fill up that paper to overflowing and your complaint box will be empty.

Rinse and repeat to avoid short term memory loss.

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Jennifer Covello, Copyright 2011-2024