Is Your Battery Failing?

Jen’s Gem: Let God replace your battery.

The other day I turned on my computer and was greeted with an unusual error message. My immediate thought was “Yikes!” (Ok – that’s the G-Rated version of my response.) The message gave me two options that would change the course of my immediate history.

I could choose to continue along as if nothing was happening by pressing F1 or I could run a utility program by selecting F2. Ignore the problem or fix it was how I interpreted these two selections. I stared at the screen for what felt like hours. “Should I Stay or Should I Go?” by The Clash began to play in my head, specifically the words “this indecision’s killing me.”

I had no idea how long this supposed “utility” was going to take to peruse my computer. I decided to take a risk and tapped the F1 key. Within a few minutes my familiar home screen appeared and I breathed a sigh of relief. I’ll deal with this later was my rationale.

While the problem was still lingering in the background, I was free from it at least for the next few hours. Call it denial if you will. I call it survival. I had a boatload of work in front of me and about two hours of sleep the night before. I had no time for permanent failures of anything, let alone the hunk of metal and microchips that enables me to pay my mortgage.

The next day I decided to ask Mr. Googly about the error. Turns out my trusty purple laptop’s battery was in fact failing. Despite the 100% charged status in the icon at the bottom of my screen, it was time to replace it.

Even though I have a degree in IT and spent half of my career in the bowels of computers, I had no idea how to proceed. I could call the manufacturer but that would’ve resulted in an expense that is not in the Covello Family Budget spreadsheet. I decided to pose the question in a Facebook group.

Within minutes, I got a handful of responses telling me to go to Amazon and buy a replacement and that I could do it myself HA! Do they know who they’re dealing with? I put my denial aside, flipped the computer over and voila!

I discovered that the battery pack simply pops out and can be replaced in seconds. My next step –, click, point, purchase. It should arrive today.

I’d noticed this week that my laptop was dragging a bit. At first I thought it was a virus but after running  a scan, it checked out fine. The simple fact was – my laptop was running out of steam. Unable to tap into its reserves, it was slowly coming to a screeching halt.

I couldn’t help but wonder if that’s how many people are feeling right now. Inner batteries are running low and need more than a simple charge. They need a full replacement. In denial, they keep pushing and pushing until one day they get a message – permanent failure.

While denial is tempting, it’s only good for a short-term fix. Eventually we, and my laptop, will go into full tilt. But if we take smart steps to address the issue head on, we can be assured of full restoration.

When it comes to our faith in God, we also have two choices. We can put our full trust in Him, believing all of His promises, or we can choose to do it all ourselves and rely on our own ‘smarts’ and strength. Option one will exhaust us and likely bring about a heap of confusion. Option two enables us to “continue,” resting in His ever-capable hands. 

“He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness For His name’s sake.” (Psalm 23:3 NKJV)

The Bible tells us in 1 Peter 5:7  to cast our cares upon God because He cares for us. When I place my trust in Him, spending time with Him each day, confessing His Word over my life and the lives of my loved ones, He keeps my batteries running 24/7/365.

If you’re at a crossroads with your faith, I pray you don’t let your indecision about God and all that Jesus did for you place you in a potential “permanent failure” state.

During this upcoming Easter week, I pray that you will do a little research, ask questions, and then grab hold of your permanent battery – Jesus.

“…I have chosen you and have not cast you away: Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’” (Isaiah 41:9-10 NKJV)

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