Can You Resolve to Keep It Simple?

Jen’s Gem: Sometimes, simple is best.

Happy 2021! It’s a new year and God has brought us through. It may have been a bumpy ride, but know that if God woke you up this morning, He has a purpose and a plan for you today. Don’t forget that!

I enjoyed my time off from work and my Elevate the Day ministry. I also learned some valuable lessons that I want to share with you. Many may seem common sense, even elementary. Yet I have found that the K.I.S.S method (Keep It Simple Silly), is sometimes the best.

In today’s post, I’ll share five of the ten lessons that I’m going to take with me each day in 2021. I hope they help you too!

  1. Get moving.

As you may know, winter is not my thing. I struggle with this season on many levels and count the days until the clocks are moved ahead and it’s not dark at dinnertime. I long to be a snowbird and head south along with my fine-feathered friends.

Yet no amount of wishing for summer breezes will speed up time. Sitting all day benefits neither my psyche nor my physique. Over the break, I forced myself (and yes, I mean forced) to get out each morning and walk for 15-30 minutes. It wasn’t a lot, but it was something and it made a world of difference. Read 1 Corinthians 6:19-20.

2. Eat better.

I know. I know. BORING! Tell me something I don’t know, Jen! January is filled with more commercials about weight loss than any other time of year. Gym memberships skyrocket (well, maybe not this year) and everyone makes a commitment to eat healthy.

Christmas cookies, pies, and supersized portions resulted in a number on my scale that stopped me in my tracks. I have replaced nighttime snacks with a cup of tea, which has resulted in better sleep and a downward trend on the scale. Read 1 Corinthians 10:31.

3. Slow down.

 As an award-winning multi-tasker, I’m all about efficiency and getting as much done as possible in as little time as possible. However, what I found is that when I’m simultaneously answering emails, responding to text messages, and writing my client’s latest blog post, I’m not doing any of them to the best of my ability.

This past week, I focused on one task at a time. This foreign concept jolted me at first, but I have to say that it was well worth it. I was all in with the task at hand and my mind was able to relax knowing that when the job was done, it was done. Read Luke 10:41

4. Shut off the noise.

 With three people residing in a two bedroom condo, it can get a bit noisy. Add TV, social media, my neighbors and it’s hard to hear myself think sometimes. Shutting out the noise from the world is challenging as it’s coming at us 24/7.

I have curtailed my time on social media. It’s a work in progress but I’m working towards this being a minimal part of my day. I watch one TV show – The Good Wife reruns. While I can’t control my noisy neighbors, I can control my reaction to their slamming doors addiction. Read Psalm 46:10.

5. Listen. I mean really listen.

I’m a natural problem solver. If you’re going through a challenge, I not only want to hear about it, I want to help you come up with a solution. I LOVE helping people do this. I LOVE brainstorming. As my buddy, James Madison spoke about in my recent podcast, it’s when I’m in my “Zone of Genius.”

When you turn down the noise from the outside, then you turn on the Holy Spirit who speaks to you in that small still voice. Great ideas and tips on how to do things better are provided. More importantly, peace fills your spirit as God speaks life into your life. Read Jeremiah 33:3.

I told you these were simple tips, but do you see how profound they can be? Even if you do only one this week, I’m confident that you’ll see a positive change in your life. Next week, I’ll share the remaining five lessons that will help you to make 2021 a great year.

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