Are You Celebrating Today?

Jen’s Gem: Celebrate each day.

I love Memorial Day weekend. It marks the unofficial beginning of summer, my favorite season, and opens the door of endless possibilities for fun, freedom, and festivities. During my childhood, this weekend was filled with family barbecues and fireworks.

This year, the weekend looks much different and a part of me is grieving.  Maybe you are too. Don’t get me wrong – I’m fully aware that this day is about our veterans and soldiers, not burgers and beers. However, with nearly the entire world on pause and many of our familiar traditions cancelled, I’m having to dig deep to find the joy in the season ahead.

My condo complex is well-known for having the best pool in town. It was a major selling point for me and we were looking forward to it opening up this weekend. The other day we received word that it is closed until further notice. Thankfully our local beaches have begun to open and I pray they remain so.

Slowly things are opening up and there is a glimmer of things returning to some semblance of normal. My children and I went furniture shopping yesterday and the stores were packed with masked crusaders looking for something new to brighten their abodes.

While we were all grateful to be out and about, we didn’t find what we were looking for and returned home empty-handed.

It can be difficult to deal with disappointment – especially when it comes in waves. We may find ourselves constantly treading water, just trying to keep our heads above the seafoam. It’s exhausting. But it can be especially difficult when our sights are set in the wrong direction.

“Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.” Proverbs 13:12

Years ago, my hope was firmly planted in the external things of this world. Paychecks. People. Pleasures. When these failed me, I floundered to pick myself up and start again. Instead of letting these hiccups roll off of me, I let them linger for days, weeks, and longer, stealing my joy.

I failed to recognize that as long as my happiness was dependent on these temporary things, I’d likely spend my remaining days in misery. We cannot look to people, places, and things to provide our joy. That’s too big a burden for any of them to bear. Lasting joy must come from within and it requires a shift in our words and our actions.

First, you and I have the power to decide how we feel. We can wake up each day and make a conscious decision that no matter what happens, we’re going to choose to be happy. Letting our feelings be the boss of us is a recipe for misery.

Second, we can focus on the good things in our lives. Gratitude is a game changer. It enables us to look past the disappointments and concentrate on the many blessings we have. (And believe me, we are blessed!)

Lastly, we can transform the sometimes unrelenting thoughts of loss and grief with hope. This is more than wishful thinking or reciting empty affirmations that are nothing more than a bunch of nice words that sound good.

I don’t know about you but I want my words to be backed up with promises that I can depend upon. I want my words to give life – to myself and to others. I want my words to encourage and change lives for the better. My hunch is you do as well.

“Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” Proverbs 18:21

When I’m facing a tough situation, I look to the promises of God, as stated in His Word, to help me get through. I look to the many examples in the Bible of people who faced far worse circumstances than I and see how their faith, their words, and their trust in God enabled them to triumph. This is what gives me hope and strength. This is what reminds me that my joy will never be found with my eyes looking out to the world but rather looking up to heaven.

This week, if you find yourself facing a difficult circumstance or two, I’d like to encourage you to try something different. Instead of declaring the negative, replace it with a positive promise of God.

“This is the day the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad.” Psalm 118:24
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13
“And now, Lord, what do I wait for? My hope is in You.” Psalm 39:7

I guarantee that if these are your words each day, there will always be a reason to celebrate. 

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