Jen’s Gem: Hire the right partner to achieve your goals.
One of the funniest quotes from the movie “Lion King,” is when Pumbaa says to Simba, “You gotta put your behind in your past!” He is quickly admonished by his buddy Timon who then states the phrase correctly -”You gotta put your past behind you.” I’m not sure about you, but I prefer Pumbaa’s version.
As we launch a new year and a new decade, we all want a fresh start. We all want to forget about the previous year or years and begin again. Many people make resolutions, some create vision boards, and still others create a list of goals to achieve in the coming year.
When my children were younger, we would sit around the dining room table on New Year’s Day and talk about our accomplishments of the prior year. We would then develop a list of goals for the coming year. I’d type them up and we would display them in a prominent place so that we’d see them each day.

My children’s teenage years, with its rejection of any idea of mine in full force, left this yearly practice by the wayside and today their goals are shared as nonchalant conversations as the first day of the New Year approaches.
Months back, I created a vision board. I cut out pictures representing the life I envisioned for myself. Photos of beach houses, a new home, travel, marriage and more dot the 11 x 14 poster that hangs on the bulletin board in my home office. I glance at it from time to time but I must admit that my previous list of goals inspired more action on my part.
Perhaps it’s the “black and white” of seeing a written goal rather than the “gray” of a photo that spurs me to act. Seeing a timeframe and a specific task are what prompt me to put things into motion. I know this to be true because when I had my small business, and had a goal list, I accomplished more in a month than I have in the last decade.
However you decide to develop your 2020 vision, you must first make a decision to put the past behind you. Whatever mistakes, poor decisions, or undesirable habits that have previously defined you must be cast aside so that you can start over. These monikers of old have to be replaced with a new mindset or a new habit.
But how do you do this? Where do you start?
A simple example can be found in the age-old New Year’s resolution to be healthier. Many people being by tossing out every food item that is not conducive to their goal. Cookies, cakes, chips land in the garbage can on January 2. Gym memberships are purchased. Grocery carts are filled with vegetables and fruits. Meal plans are developed to help you stay on track.
Last year, I made a decision to lose weight. It took the entire year but I accomplished my goal. To do this, I had to leave behind some habits that weren’t serving me anymore, like snacking in front of the TV or going for that second helping. I had to say “no” when I wanted to say “yes.” I also had to leave my couch potato self behind and add some activity to my daily routine. During the spring and summer months, I began a walking regimen that reinvigorated my weight loss and got me closer to my goal.
Despite a foot injury that threatened to derail my goal, I’m happy to report that I’ve maintained my weight loss. However, I did not do this alone. I had a personal trainer and coach.
This trainer was key to my success. He encouraged me every day. He held me accountable. He pushed me to go further when I wanted to quit. He was my partner throughout the entire process and continues to support me so that I don’t fall back into those poor habits.

Do you want to know the best part? It was completely free! Yep! That’s right. My personal trainer didn’t charge me a dime. Whether I needed him first thing in the morning or late at night, it cost me nothing. You may be thinking – what kind of personal trainer works for free? Only one and His name is God.
You see, I knew from day one that there was no way I was going to accomplish my goal of shedding those pounds without His help. He was with me every minute of every day as I fought off cravings, as I longed to sleep in and skip my walk, as I saw numbers on a scale that made me want to give up. My Father in heaven saw me through every hiccup and every win. He never left me.
In fact, I’d venture to say that He wanted me to lose weight even more than I did. Why? Because He wanted me to finally understand and believe in my guts that I had a Father in heaven who delivers on His promises, who is true to His Word.
This week, I’d like to encourage you to consider hiring a new personal trainer to help you accomplish your 2020 vision. Cast your past mistakes into His hands and then embrace the new you that He is longing to help you become.
Whether you want to lose weight, start a new business, or you want to deepen your relationship with your heavenly Father and His Son Jesus, you can achieve all of this and more once you have the right trainer by your side.
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30 NIV)