What is Impossible for You?

Jen’s Gem: Let God turn your mountains into molehills.

A few months ago, I put my house on the market. My intention in doing so was to downsize, lower my expenses, and simplify my life. A b-zillion prospective buyers have come through my doors. Many commented on the beauty of my home, but they had specific needs that my house didn’t provide them.

Last week, I received my first offer. I turned it down flat as it was so far below my asking price, that it was insulting. Even my realtor was in shock. The buyer’s realtor noted that while my house suited the needs of her clients, it required much work in order for them to “make it their own.” She spoke about the lack of this and the lack of that, making it sound like my house was so inferior that it’d be near impossible to sell it.

As you can imagine, I was indignant. How dare this person speak about my home in this way? I found myself immediately spouting off every single positive thing about my property that I could think of. I must’ve rattled off at least ten or twenty attributes that no other house on my block has. Boom! Take that!

Interestingly a few days later, I found myself in a similar position. However, this time it was not the attributes of my house I was asked about, but rather my own “competitive differentiators.” Sadly, I was not able to fire these off as quickly as I was with my house. Upon further contemplation, I realized that I’m much better at “spitting facts” about other people and things than I am about myself. Hmmm…

When I get to know someone and see what makes their heart sing, I’m like a dog on a bone with ideas for how they can make their dreams come to fruition. I see their strengths, their talents, their gifts and I do all I can to raise them up so they will see their worth, value, and how they can make a real difference in the world. I’m their biggest cheerleader and I do the happy dance when I see the vision they have for their lives go from idea to reality.

Nothing to something.

As I was reading the Gospel of Luke this week, this “nothing to something” principle was front and center. I began to think of all of the “nothings” God transformed into “somethings.” 

  • Abraham and Sarah were past child-bearing age, yet bore a son in their 90’s.
  • David was a lowly shepherd boy who became king.
  • Moses, who was destined to be killed at birth, led the Israelites to freedom through the Red Sea.
  • Esther, born on the “wrong side of the tracks,” saved her people.
  • Jesus took two loaves of bread and five fish and fed tens of thousands.
  • Jesus healed the blind, the lepers, the crippled.
  • Jesus raised people from the dead.

 I could go on and on.

In every single case, God took a “nothing” situation and turned it into something. He took the impossible and made it possible. He took what didn’t exist and made it happen.

“Jesus replied, “What is impossible with man is possible with God.” Luke 18:27

This is God’s specialty. This is one of His competitive differentiators. (Unlike us, He’s got so many that His elevator pitch would need an elevator that went to Mars!) Because we are created in His image for a specific purpose, God is able to see all of the unique qualities each of us has. He is able to use the gifts and talents He placed in us to fulfill His purpose for us on earth. What we see as impossible, He sees as possible. Always.

He never sees what we can’t do. He only sees what we can do. He never sees what we can’t accomplish. He only sees what we can accomplish. He saw Moses walking through the Red Sea. He saw Sarah giving birth. He saw Jesus rising from the dead.

“What is impossible with man is possible with God.”

This is why I know there’s a great offer coming my way. This is why I know a new home is  right around the corner. This is why turning down that low-ball offer did not defeat me. It’s not because of how great I think my house is. It’s because I know how great God is. I also know that He wants to give me the desires of my heart and if I remain in faith and trust that He will make this happen, then it will happen.

I’d like to encourage you to think about the impossibilities you may be facing right now. Perhaps it’s a job search, a physical challenge, or a difficult relationship. Instead of looking at these challenges through your own eyes, consider how God sees them. What appears to be a mountain for us is a molehill for God.

“Truly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be taken up and thrown into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says will come to pass, it will be done for him. Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” Mark 11:23-24

Turn your nothings over to God. I guarantee, He’ll turn them into amazing somethings.

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