Jen’s Gem: Step out in faith.
A few months ago, I got a tattoo. After years of talking about it (and I mean years), I took the plunge. I don’t know why I felt so compelled to permanently alter my body, but it just felt right. When I posted the photo on my Facebook page, some people were shocked. Others commented their approval. I’m already considering another.
While the placement of the image remained in flux for a long time, I did not waver on the actual image. As you can see from the photo, it states simply “God is Good.” A day or two prior to my appointment, I added a reference to my favorite Bible verse – Jeremiah 29:11.
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
Since the image is on my shoulder blade area, it is not visible to me or anyone else for the most part. Most days, I forget it’s even there and until I decided to write this blog post, I’d completely forgotten about it. Perhaps that’s why I want my next one to be more prominent.

There were a few criteria that came into play as I considered its placement. When I began this process, I wanted it to be visible to me so that I could be reminded every day of God’s goodness. Then, I thought that if it was too noticeable, my clients or prospective clients might be offended either by the tattoo itself or its message. I felt I couldn’t risk it, hence its final resting place.
My faith has taken a similar journey over the last decade or so. I spent the first few years searching for the truth. I dabbled in this practice or that. I went back to my Catholic Church roots. I followed a few famous preachers. It was all under the covers as I sifted through the various messages to find what made sense to me, what felt right.
I dipped my toe into integrating my growing faith into my previous “Parenting for Purpose” blog posts. Just like the reveal of my tattoo, some readers were shocked, others approved, while others felt the message wasn’t for them and moved on.
In my Elevate the Day blog, I have put my faith front and center, sharing lessons learned and Biblical truths that are being revealed to me as my relationship with God and His Son, Jesus deepens. I do my best to find a balance between sharing a particular tenet and my experience of it so my readers, you, can discover your own placement of God in your life.
Just as I will be stepping out with a tattoo that will be more visible, I am stepping out in other areas to share my faith. I’m becoming more vocal with friends and family. I’m becoming more involved in my church in helping them share these life-changing messages.
On Tuesday at 4:00 p.m. ET (3:00 p.m. CT), I will have the privilege of being a guest on Karen Jensen Salisbury’s “Coffee with Karen” on Facebook Live. You may remember that I shared her blog post here a few weeks back. I hope you will tune in.
Like the radical decision to get my first tattoo, these various activities have gotten me out from under the covers, becoming less afraid to share what I believe and how my relationship with Jesus has transformed my life in more ways than I can describe here in this small space on a Sunday morning in your email box.

But here’s what I do know. As long as God keeps putting these various opportunities in front of me, I will do my best to follow through on them and align myself with the plan He has for my life. I’m not sure where it will lead however, it has to be good, because as my tattoo clearly states, “God is Good.”
This week, (in addition to tuning in!), I would like to encourage you to step out in some way with your faith. It doesn’t have to be a public showing, but maybe it’s as simple as saying “God, I want to learn more about you,” or “God, show me what you want me to do,” or, “God, I’m clueless and I need Your help.”
All relationships start with a conversation. Over time, trust builds, love abounds, until one day, you can’t imagine your life without the other person. While you may not tattoo their name on your body, knowing that they are always there is all you need.