Are You On Your Last Straw?

Jen’s Gem: Hand over your last straws to God.

Life in my house over the past several months has been akin to a roller coaster ride. I’ve spent many a day wondering how to navigate the unexpected curves and drops. Since I’m more of a “let’s ride the tea cups” kind of girl, you can imagine my reaction to life’s little surprises.

The other day my son arrived home to tell me he’d left his wallet at the grocery store. My immediate reaction was “Great. Another problem for me to solve.” I was heads down in a work project, so I told him to call the store to see if someone had found it.
I returned to my work pounding on the keys of my laptop in frustration and a bit of overwhelm. My son informed me that someone had found it. Great! The bad news? The store employee let them leave on the promise that they would return it.
Uh, what?
I called the store and after a short conversation with the employee, I was transferred to the manager, who instructed me to contact the police.
As we waited for the police, I decided to pray. Out loud. Like a warrior. Everything I’ve been learning about God, prayer, and His promises bubbled up in me. I knew that I had the authority as a believer in Jesus to declare things as though they are and that anything I ask in faith will be given to me.
I charged my son’s angels to go to work and bring the wallet back. I asked the Holy Spirit to convict this person to do the right thing. I thanked God for His divine intervention in the matter.
When the officer arrived. I put on my “Forensic Files” hat and began offering suggestions like “Secure the surveillance video” and “Look at the transactions on the checkout to find their credit card number,” and “Dust for fingerprints.” Clearly I’ve been watching too much TV!
When I awoke at the crack of dawn yesterday morning, I felt the weight of the year’s ups and downs on me. During my prayer time, I said “Lord I know you won’t give me more than I can bear, but we are getting dangerously close.”
Looking for relief, I opened my devotional. The topic? “God doesn’t give you more than you can bear.” I opened my Bible to Psalms and read how God comforts those who are in turmoil. I began to write in my journal about my year of roller coasters – documenting my own personal pity party. Then something happened.
I looked down at my slew of negativity and said,” Stop right now.” Immediately, I began to write down all of the good things in my life and I thanked God for all of them. I’ve become keenly aware of the power of our words and I wasn’t about to negate my warrior prayers of the day before.
As I poured the milk into my bowl of cereal, the doorbell rang. I peeked through my window and saw a man on my porch. I glanced at my driveway and saw a large black SUV with a flashing light. I presumed it was another police officer following up on the case. I opened the door to hear, “I have an urgent delivery for Christopher Covello.” My son’s wallet was in his hands.


After he left, I stood in my living room dumbfounded. I’ve searched to find words to describe to you how I felt in that moment. Relief. Elation. Shock. Redemption. None of these seem enough. Less than an hour prior to his visit, I was at my wit’s end, feeling overwhelmed, forgotten by God, helpless. However, in that moment, I remembered God’s promises:
“I will never leave you nor forsake you.” Deuteronomy 31:8
“I am with you always to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:20
“All things work out for good, according to God’s plan.” Romans 8:28
“Whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you received it, and it will be yours.” Mark 11:24
When my son woke up, I handed him his wallet. He was amazed. Recently, he’s been questioning some things about God and how He works. I believe God used this last straw to show my son and me exactly how He works.
There may be some people who will chalk this up to coincidence. Others may say that there are good and decent people left in the world who return wallets. I know better. 
I would like to encourage you this week to hand over your “last straws” to God. Thank Him for your blessings – no matter how small they may be. Speak His promises – out loud. Then believe that God’s got  this. 

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