Happy Mother’s Day

Dear Mom,

It’s Mother’s Day here on earth and I wanted to take a few moments to say “Thank you” for being my mom. I miss you every day but know that you are having a great time in heaven with family and friends.

Things are not quite the same without you and there are many times I wish you were here to talk to. Until we meet again, here’s my Mother’s Day card to you. (P.S. The bouquet of pink roses is on its way.)

Thank you for…

  • making me dress up for choir practice even though the other kids were in jeans. I learned that it’s important to always look your best no matter the occasion.
  • baking my favorite birthday cake – chocolate with homemade white icing and pink writing and flowers. I learned that even a busy mom can take a few extra minutes to bake something from scratch.
  • letting me go to Italy when I was only 16. I learned that even though you may be scared to let your kids do things, it’s best to let them do it.
  • coming to Connecticut for the births of my children despite the many physical ailments you had. I learned that if you want something bad enough, you can make it happen.
  • teaching me how to do household chores. I learned that you’re never too young to learn how to keep a clean house.
  • picking out my wedding dress which I still love to this day. I learned that simplicity and elegance is always in style.
  • listening to me when I called you crying on my 40th birthday because I hadn’t done anything big in my life. I learned that age is only a number and you can do anything no matter how old you are.
  • helping me learn long division in 5th grade. I learned that you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover and assume someone with a high school diploma is not smart.
  • making every holiday special with your yummy meals, desserts, and decorations. I learned that family traditions are important to uphold.
  • taking me to church every week even when I didn’t want to go. I learned that having faith in God is the most important thing in my life.
  • not saying “I told you so” when I got divorced. I learned that everyone makes mistakes and you don’t need to make them feel badly.
  • teaching me how to plant a flower garden. I learned that being outside and admiring its beauty brings me peace and joy.
  • letting me rest my head on your knees while we watched TV together even though I was a grown woman. I learned that no matter what your age, Mom will always make you feel better.
  • putting a home-cooked meal on the table every night. I learned that time around the table with your children keeps a family together.
  • coming to the school in 8th grade and confronting a teacher who treated me unfairly. I learned how to advocate for my children when they could not do it themselves.
  • being angry with me and not talking to me when I arrived home at 4:00 a.m. after telling you I’d be home by midnight. I learned that even as a young adult, it’s important to be responsible.
  • your last words to me that have stayed with me to this day. “If you don’t value yourself, who else will value you?” I learned that I must love and care for myself first if I want others to treat me properly.
  • telling me “Don’t worry, you’re going to be ok. Jesus has always had your back” while I was crying in my room after getting laid off from my job recently. I learned that even though your loved ones are not physically with you, they still watch over you.

I  could keep going Mom, but I think you get the idea. There was not a time in my life when you didn’t love and support me. Even now when I randomly see your name, I know you are looking out for me and the kids.

I hope I’m being a good steward of the lessons you taught me and passing them along to Christopher and Kaitlyn. They are timeless.

Happy Mother’s Day Mom. I love you. I miss you. Thank you.

Jen’s Gem: Leave a legacy of life lessons to your children that will inspire and guide them throughout their lives.

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