Be Prepared But Know That You’ll Be Just Fine

Purposeful Parent Tip: Preparation removes uncertainty and empowers you.

Here in the Northeast, it is Hurricane Sandy that’s been monopolizing conversations these past few days. Facebook posts are filled with handy storm tips, pictures of storm damage, and I have to say, some pretty funny jokes. Overall, people are cautiously optimistic that the storm will pass and not wreak the havoc that has been reported.

In my own home, we have put away all of the outdoor furniture, pumpkins, plants, bought food, batteries, and water. My son’s beloved basketball hoop has been lovingly placed on its side to prevent it toppling over due to the high winds. All of my lovely (unused) candles have been gathered and await their potential use if power is lost.

Our quiet time here at home is interrupted now and again with calls from our mayor with storm updates and pleas to evacuate if people live in areas prone to flooding. Schools have been closed through Wednesday.

I have to admit, that it is a bit scary and is the ultimate test of faith to know that despite the storm’s potential danger, that we will all be fine. My daughter asked if I was scared last night as we watched the winds pick up from our window. I told her that I was a little, but that we were prepared as best as we could be and that we’d just have to wait it out. In the meantime, she had more time to finish school projects, we could play games, and declare each day a “Jammie Day”!

It is important that our children know that we will protect them through these big storms…and even the little ones. They have to know that they are safe and that everything will be all right. Because, you know what? It really will be all right. Yes, you may lose power, you may have a limb or two in your yard, you may even have a few more unplanned inconveniences when it’s all over. But as long as you have your life and your loved ones, all the broken pieces can be mended.

Sending prayers of safe-keeping to everyone in Hurricane Sandy’s path. Give your kids an extra hug and let them know that the storm will be over soon and they will be just fine.


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