Pick Me! Pick Me!

Purposeful Parent Tip: It’s fun to win, but sometimes not winning is better.

(Note: This is the second in a series of posts about the speakers scheduled for my upcoming Mom to Mompreneur Now! Tele-summit starting on October 2, 2012.)

About four years ago, I walked into a small business networking event not knowing a soul. This was a big step for me. While most people would never describe me as shy or timid, I sort of am. Standing at the check-in table, I wondered what my next move would be. Did I have the guts to simply walk up to someone and start talking?

Luckily I never had to take that leap. One of the lovely ladies approached me, welcomed me to the meeting and immediately introduced me to a group of women. My networking bug was born. While I still feel a bit of hesitation when walking into an event, I am much more comfortable now and can easily start up conversations with people. I have the fabulous ladies of the Entrepreneurial Woman’s Network, located in Fairfield County, CT to thank for that.

Not only have I made a plethora of new friends because of this group, I have gotten support, insights, and new customers. What I’ve also gotten was access to terrific experts on a variety of topics for small businesses like social media.

Like many small business owners, I kept hearing that I had to be on Facebook. My friends from high school kept sending me invites to join. I did not see the point. Why would anyone want the world to know their personal information and why should a small business be on this crazy thing?

But I succumbed to the pressure and set up my profile. I didn’t get it. Why were people sending me emails through Facebook when they knew perfectly well I had a normal email account? Why were they giving me yet another task to do? They knew how busy I was. Yeesh!

Each day I grew more and more frustrated. I just didn’t get it. I called in friend’s children to help me. I asked anyone who was currently using this insane technology an innumerable amount of questions. Somebody save me!

After months – yes months, people, I got a glimpse into how it all worked. Despite multiple failed attempts to set up my Frittabello fan page, I finally got it right. I expanded my profile. I began posting on a regular basis. I tortured my friends and colleagues to “LIKE” my page on a regular basis until they finally succumbed to my pleas.

Lena West

Then, one day, at an EWN workshop, I met Lena West. Lena is a social media diva. My eyes and ears were glued to her presentation as she easily described the social media realm for small business owners. She made it look so effortless. And to top it all off, at the end of her talk…she was giving away a free social media makeover!

Pick me! Pick me! I mentally shouted as she dipped her hand into the bowl overflowing with business cards.

Sadly, it was not to be and some lucky woman in the audience won this prize. But, I will never forget the impact Lena had on me that day. I ran home and immediately implemented every one of her tips. I was amazed at how easy it became – not only for my Facebook page, but Linked In, and yes, that little chirpy social media channel, Twitter. Eventually, are you ready for this? My colleagues started to ask ME how to do things on social media. They viewed ME as an expert! HA!

I wasn’t sure if or how Lena and my paths would cross again until I started to put my mompreneur tele-summit series together. My partner, Suzen and I just knew that we had to have Lena on our panel of speakers. Guess what? She is!

Lena is going to do for all of the mompreneurs on our call, the same thing she did for me that day long ago. She’s going to take the overwhelm out of social media and help you to grow your business. Can you hear the angels singing?

With tips and tricks sure to increase your fan base and get you more customers, Lena will be there guiding you along. How cool is that?

If you are struggling with getting more fans or just social media in general, then you need to sign up for Mom to Mompreneur Now! today!

Go to www.momtomompreneurnow.com and register. Our sneak peek starts Tuesday, October 2, 2012 at 1:00 pm EST/10:00 am PST.


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