A Birthday to Remember

Purposeful Parent Tip:  Even parents deserve a little fun. Go on…enjoy yourself!

About a week ago, I had a milestone birthday. I decided to celebrate it by throwing myself a big party. Many of my good friends were able to attend and we all had a great time. Within this group of lovely ladies was a mixture of women I’ve known for decades and those I’ve only known a short time. In looking over the group picture after the event, I pondered the last decade of my life and how these women came to be a part of it

When you’re in a corporate career for as long as I was, you gather up a wonderful posse of friends that hopefully remain long after you’ve left your job. I’ve been blessed with several friends that fit this description. One friend I’ve known since my second job! The remaining women I’ve met at my women’s business networks, workshops I’ve taken, or through other friends. It was an eclectic bunch for sure!

Call it intuition or whatever you will, but several years ago, I realized that I needed to expand my circle of friends as something told me that my corporate life would not last forever and those people may not all remain friends. I remember asking God to bring new women friends into my life that would be uplifting, inspiring, positive people who would support me in whatever way I needed. My prayers were more than answered – especially when I looked at this group of nearly 25 women sharing a very special day with me.

Had you asked me while I was in the thick of my corporate career if I’d be friends with a Reiki master, a channeler of  angel messages, a singer, a personal stylist, a digestive health coach, or the myriad of other gifts these women possess, I would’ve laughed and said, “Yeah, right.”

But these are the women in my life now. Smart, funny, inspiring, gifted, positive, and just down right nice people who have helped me in more ways than they know. Some with their expertise, some with their open hearts and ears, and some with connecting me to other terrific women. I treasure them.

Some are single/divorced moms like me, others married with children, and a few, single by choice. We come from all walks of life, diverse backgrounds and careers, yet we all have a similar intention. To share our gifts and talents with those who are in need. To make a difference. To be good role models for our children. To be good friends. To love and be loved.

Not very different than most people walking the planet you could say. Aren’t we all here to figure out why we’re here and then go do it? When I’m surrounded by people doing what they love, it inspires me to continue to find the best use of my own gifts, to go beyond the traditional routes I’ve previously gone, and to trust that I too will one day be so crystal clear on my path that I’ll have forgotten those days when it was not so evident.

I thoroughly enjoyed my birthday party. I am so grateful to everyone who came and sent me their best wishes for a great ‘second half’ of my life. And while at the end of the night my aching feet and lower back pain easily reminded me of my real age, my heart and soul were singing like a child.

I don’t typically make resolutions or sweeping changes in my life, but I did set an intention on my birthday and that was to create more fun in my life – to not have my nose to the grindstone 24/7 – and to more thoroughly enjoy the fantastic people who have come into my life.

Life’s too short to be so serious and it’s time we all had a little more enjoyment, don’t you think? So here’s to having more fun and not acting my age!

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